I realize how stupid this will make me sound, but I will ask anyway. I recently disassembled my VZ-58 for cleaning and reassembled (here is the stupid part) without the striker. Before I saw the striker setting on my table, I attempt to cycle the action.
That one attempt seemed to jam the action. The bolt won't quite go home, nor will it come all the way open. In adddition, the back cover with the springs attached will not come off. It can pop up a little, but something holding down.
I have attached pictures. If anyone has a hint, a clue, an idea, or any thought for a stupid person, I would be very grateful indeed!

For future reference, I eventually took my gun to a gunsmith. He disassembled it for me. He told me it was very difficult. I was not even able to remove the dust cover as suggested above. The striker spring was a bit messed up, and the dustcover was a little bent. I think it could be straightened, but I simply got a new cover and spring. All is now well.
And the moral to this story is - the VZ 58 must not be assembled without the striker. Even though the fix wasn't expensive, I will never forget that again!
I think that maybe the striker spring is binding between the bolt carrier and the bolt.
I know that this is an old post. Did you get this problem solved?